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Item Name | Recipe | Trivial | Comments |
Basic Leather Whip | leather wrapped handle
leather strips X2 |
10 | |
Wooden Arrow | Stick
Feather |
5 | Makes a stack of 20 |
Blackmetal Arrow | Stick x 1
Blackmetal Bits x 1 Feathers x 1 |
50 | |
Blue Goblin Skin Drum | Goblin Skin x1
Stick x2 Leather Strips x1 Sanded Plank of Wood x1 |
35 | |
Bone Claws | |||
Broom | |||
Copper Throwing Spears | Stick x 1
Copper Bits x 1 |
12 | |
Copper Tipped Arrows | |||
Curved Bone | Softened Bone x 1 | 5 | |
Diamond Arrow | Stick x 1
Diamond x 1 Phoenix Feather x 1 |
80 | |
Direction Sign | |||
Distracting Rattle | |||
Dry Bark | Plain Log x 4 | 10 | |
Exquisite Golden Axe | |||
Finest Silk Wrapped Handle | Violetwood Stick x 1
Finest Silk Strings x 1 Finest Silk Square x 1 |
55 | |
Gem Tipped Arrows | |||
Ghastly Ribcage Shield | Ghastly Ribcage x 1
Curved Bone x 1 Leather Strips x 1 |
19 | |
Golden Arrow | Stick x 1
Feathers x 1 Gold Bit x 1 |
40 | |
Golden Axe Head | |||
Hard Skull Staff | Hard Skull x 1
Simple Wooden Staff x 1 |
15 | |
Horned Skull | Hard Skull x1
Sharpened Bone x2 Glue x1 |
?? | |
Horned Skull Staff | Horned Skull x 1
Polished Silver Staff x 1 |
25 | Seems broken, need working recipe |
Jeweled Wooden Longbow | Simple Wooden Longbow x1
Amethyst x 3 Turquoise x 3 Malachite x 3 |
20 | |
Leather Wrapped Handle | Stick x 1
Leather Strips x 1 |
10 | |
Malachite Staff | |||
Malachite Wand | |||
Manastone Trick Arrow | Stick x 1
Manastone Dust x 1 Feathers x 1 Glass Bottle x 1 |
70 | |
Measuring Stick | Can buy at vendor | ||
nori sheet | seaweed X6
bottle of water X4 |
25 | |
Ophidian Fang Dagger | Finest Silk Wrapped Handle x 1
Ophidian Fang x 1 |
50 | |
Painted Wooden Boomerang | Unfinished Wooden Boomerang x 1
Paint x 1 |
25 | |
Paper | |||
Plank of Violetwood | Violetwood Log x 1 | 30 | |
Plank of Wood | Plain Log x 1 | 10 | |
Polished Black Gold Staff | Basic Black Gold Staff x 1
Clear Resin x 1 |
45 | |
Polished Gold Staff | Basic Gold Staff x 1
Clear Resin x 1 |
45 | |
Polished Silver Staff | Basic Silver Staff x 1
Clear Resin x 1 |
28 | |
Polished Wooden Staff | |||
Ribcage | Gross Ribcage x 1
Potassium Hydroxide x 1 |
20 | |
Ribcage Shield | Curved Bone x 1
Ribcage x 1 Leather Strips x 1 |
19 | |
Rough Wooden Shield | Stick x 5
Copper Shield Frame x 1 |
15 | |
Sand | Sand Dollar x 1 | 10 | Yields 5 |
Sanded Plank of Violetwood | Plank of Violetwood x 1
Sand x 1 |
40 | |
Sanded Plank of Wood | Plank of Wood x 1
Sand x 1 |
10 | |
Sharp Fang Dagger | Sharp Fang x1
Leather Wrapped Handle x1 |
13 | |
Sharp Fang Spear | Sharp Fang x1
Leather Strips x1 Stick x1 |
5 | |
Sharpened Bone | |||
Silk Wrapped Handle | Metal Rod x 1
Spider Silk Strings x 1 Silk Square x 1 |
35 | |
Silver Arrows | Stick x 1
Silver Bits x 1 Feathers x 1 |
20 | Yields 20 |
Silver Axe Head | |||
Silver Throwing Spears | Stick x 1
Silver Bits x 1 |
25 | |
Simple Cloth Hammock | |||
Simple Torch | Stick x 1
Lump of Coal x 1 |
5 | |
Simple Wooden Longbow | |||
Simple Wooden Staff | Stick x 1
Copper Ingot x 1 |
7 | |
Stick | Plank of Wood x 1 | 10 | |
Stone Heart (aug) | Rumble Stone Staff x 1
Gleaming Blackmetal Sword x 1 |
85 | |
Sturdy Wooden Staff | |||
Thin Copper Scythe | Copper Blade x 1
Simple Wooden Staff x 1 Leather Strips x 1 |
10 | |
Thin Golden Scythe | Golden Blade x 1
Polished Gold Staff x 1 Leather Strips x 1 |
55 | |
Thin Silver Scythe | Silver Blade x 1
Basic Silver Staff x 1 Leather Strips x 1 |
35 | |
Unfinished Wooden Boomerang | Sanded Plank of Wood x 1
Sand x 1 |
25 | |
Violetwood Drum | |||
Violetwood Greatbow | Finest Silk Strings x 1
Sanded Plank of Violetwood x 1 |
75 | |
Violetwood Lute | Finest Silk Strings x 1
Sanded Plank of Violetwood x 1 Violetwood Stick x 1 |
50 | |
Violetwood Stick | |||
Violetwood Ward | Enchanted Jade x 2
Sanded Plank of Violetwood x 1 Paint x 1 |
60 | |
Wooden Barrel | Plank of Wood x 6
Metal Hoop x 2 |
20 | |
Wooden Drum | Stick x 2
Sanded Plank of Wood x 1 Leather Strips x 1 Leather x 1 |
5 | |
Wooden Fishing Pole | stick X1
spider silk strings X1 |
10 | |
Wooden Flute | Stick x 1 | 5 | |
Wooden Lute | Sanded Plank of Wood x 1
Leather Strips x 1 Stick x 1 |
5 | |
Wooden Pipe | |||
Wooden Rod | Sanded Plank of Wood x 1 | 10 | |
Wooden Training Sword | Leather Strips x 1
Stick x 2 |
10 | |
Wooden Ward | Enchanted Turquoise x 2
Sanded Plank of Wood x 1 Paint x 1 |
30 |