EQSanctuary Wiki

(thanks to Zanyn for showing me)


To start this quest, find the Imp in Xiolia (entrance). Hail him to get a container. You'll need to find and hail the imp to get 10 pieces to combine then turn back in to him.

  1. mines of mana: check the doors to the right of zone in (Ferocious Fang)

2. Silent Cemetary: go through all the portals in the city (must be able to get by a witch) (Ghastly Goo)

3. sewers: in the first room (Vile Viscera)

4. enochia: side room of the underground tunnels (before the bank area) (Malignant Mandible)

5. malsyrian villa: stick to the right from zone in, secret area underwater (Fetid Femur)

6. drybone cove: end of the docks by the new mecha boat (Eerie Eyeball)

7. daggerdepth lake: SW corner on the docks (Tepid Tongue)

8. webweavers bog: entrance to webweavers hatchling lair (Handy Hand)

9. dyanis: top of city tower hidden in the flames (Bulbous Boot)

10. (city name?) head to dark forest, then to southern zone. you'll enter 'the field of bone' map, head to the city. inside, its inside the first building on the left, 2nd floor with 'shibari'