Tower of the Moon[]
NOTE: This zone is only partially completed
Floor 1:[]
Avoid the middle area as I think it will instakill you if you get too close. Floor is slippery in areas so be careful.
Key up:
Galaxy Swirl which can be dropped by trash or the named spider.
Galachnid, the Galaxy Crawler
Floor 2:[]
There are a variety of Augs that drop on this level. They fit into specific Moon Tower aug slots.
Key Up:
Celestial Choker that can drop off Librarians
a rakthar necromancer
This guy has like 600k hp and does a DD+Mana Drain every 20 seconds or so.
Floor 3:
The key up to floor 4 drops from Mon'Serallo. He cannot leave his main room and will warp back if he gets too far.
Floor 4:
This floor seems partially finished. Not sure what to do with the Photospider or the Hologram.
a hologram projector
an extradimensional galaxian
Dark Matter Cypher (2 in 360)
The Black Hole (1 in 360)
Dragon's Spirit (9 in 360)
Witch Soul (14 in 360)
Orichalcum Ingot (1 in 360)
Orichalcum Bead (2 in 360)
Floor 5:
This floor seems largely unfinished and I havent seen anything drop here.