EQSanctuary Wiki

The Haunted Manor of Quicksilver[]

Time-Limited Zone; Halloween

The zone uses some different mechanics than other zones. All upgrades are specific to Bane: DAMNED, so the weapons/proc augs that you get here are for event zones, and not for other places. Starter weapons, including Pet Weapons, as well as the event upgrade container can be bought in the zone-in. Event rewards are purchased using Candy Corn Kernels, which need to be placed in your Vault to access the event reward vendors.

Weapons are upgraded via coatings. These increase the damage of the innate proc as well as adds additional aug slots.

T0 -> T1 : Candy Coating (Mk. II, +1 Aug Slot)

T1 -> T2: Hard Candy Coating (Mk. III, +1 Aug Slot)

T2 -> T3: Premium Candy Coating (Mk. IV, +1 Aug Slot, )

Augs are upgraded 2:1. That is, two Jawbreaker I in the Candy Cauldron container becomes Jawbreaker II. This increases the effectiveness of the aug, as well as increasing the damage of the proc's.


Herbs for Jyll[]

(Rewards: Mercenary Badge)

Collect three herbs -- Green, Blue, and Red -- from various named. Combine them in the Crafting Supplies container, receive Jyll's Antidote. Hand Jyll's Antidote to Jyll Valentine in the foyer for your reward.


(Rewards: Madness Slate)

Collect five jewels -- Shadestone, Fatestone, Moonstone, Lifestone, Bloodstone -- from various named. Combine them in the Crafting Supplies container for your reward.

The Box[]

(Rewards: )

The Torn Card[]

(Rewards: Holographic Haunted Mansion Trading Card)

Collect four torn fragments of the card from various named across the whole zone. Combine them in the Crafting Supplies container for your reward. All four cards share the same name, but different itemId's, so pay attention to those (or use a Magnifying Glass!)

Notable Drops[]

Candy Corn Armor (Visible)


All mobs drop varying quantities of Candy Corn Kernel and DreamSIM Combat Data Chip. Candy Corn Kernel drops seem to be tiered, so for each area, the expected quantities will be in brackets.

The Yard[]

[Trash: 4-8; Named: 8-15]

Yard named appear to only spawn on fixed locations (that is, mobs that do not path).

a scaredy cat (Level 16)

a slithering snake (Level 18)

a tricky treat goblin (Level 19)

a wicked wisp (Level 15)

a mischievious imp (Level 17)

Puss in Cahoots (Level 20)

The Ire of Leviathan (Level 20)

  • Torn Quarter of a Trading Card (148428)

Will o' the Wisp

The Sneaky Snek (Level 20)

Rakagitchu (Level 20)

  • Torn Quarter of a Trading Card (148428)

The Foyer[]

a plaga (Level 23)

a mutated hunter (Level 23)


a zombie dog (Level 21)

an itchy zombie (Level 20)

Tyrant (Level 22)

a swamp monster (Level 24)

The Creature

a grotesque experiment (Level 26)

The Doctor

a haunted hound (Level 27)

The Wolfman

a crypt crawler (Level 26)

The Mummy