There are a variety of roles that each subclass can perform. The most common question regarding playstyle is "can X solo?" so these will be grouped first by viability as a solo as a new player, and then tagged with other keywords to help describe their playstyle. There are plenty of the More Group Reliant subclasses that can solo with a bit of knowledge about the game once you dive into the crafting system and learn different crafted sets.
Please note, this server is designed and intended to gravitate towards group content as opposed to solo content. As each class approaches max level (40) it will become harder and harder to solo like-level mobs.
Solo Capable[]
Breeder - Pet Class - Healer
Demonologist - Kiter with DPS low hp Pet - Lots of DoTs
Etherealist - Swarm Pet with semi-tanky pet
Geomancer - Very Tanky Pet - Nuker
Grim Reaper - Burst Melee - Lifetaps
Ninja - Can kite with Thrown Weapons - High DPS
Philosopher - Pet Class - Nuker
Puppet Master - Charm Kiter - unique group buffs
Vampire - Melee - Bursty Lifetaps - Gear dependent
Vodouist - Kiter or Root Rotter - DoT Class with a soft pet
More Group Reliant[]
Aristocrat - Group Buffs (regens, xp buff, bit of everything)
Bishop - Dedicated buffer and healer, similar to EQ Cleric.
Chronomancer - Nuker, group buffs, High DPS, couple exclusive teleports
Dervish - Melee DPS
Dragoncaller - Tank/Melee hybrid with a dragon pet
Faustian - Melee healer - Uses own blood to help others
Galaxian - Hybrid tank spellcaster - best teleport
Hedgecrafter - Druid type healer, great damage shield, has a % heal.
Imp - Melee DPS - Backstabs - Has some other tricky utility
Jeweler - Exclusive tradeskilling - can DPS, has awesome group Runes
Knight - Great Tank with some heals - close to EQ Paladin.
Merchant - Best Tradeskiller - access to exclusive Merchant zone - semi tanky - uses currency for some spells
Sage - Mana buffers - mana burn for dps - group Mana regen buffs
Samurai - Tank and some DPS - various stances for different scenarios
Sensei - Melee group healers
Shaman - class needs some work but they are proc based meleers with some group buffs
Shifter - Melee DPS - change forms for different scenarios
Soldier - ranged DPS
Trapper - ranged DPS and utility via traps
Warrior - Tank