Shaman Totemic Mace and Husks[]
Once you reach level 20 as a Shaman you can begin your journey of gathering Totems and Husks. Travel to Daggerdepth Lake and seek out Elder Mordem. He is a vendor so you can purchase two spells from him at level 20. The spells you are looking for are Summon Totemic Mace and Summon Empty Husk.
Totemic Maces[]
The totemic maces come in 4 tiers, but also of various types. The tier 1 mace is the one summoned from the Summon Totemic Mace spell. All others require drops found to upgrade them to the various types.
Tier 1[]
Totemic Mace: Summoned via spell and has 1 augment slot that takes all types of husks
Tier 2[]
Furious Totemic Mace: Combine a Fiery Core with a Totemic Mace in the foldable Medicine Bag, this mace has two augment slots that accept only Offensive Husks
Cunning Totemic Mace: Combine an Airy Core with a Totemic Mace in the foldable Medicine Bag, this mace has two augment slots that accepts one Offensive Husk and one Utility Husk.
Graceful Totemic Mace: Combine an Airy Core with a Totemic Mace in the foldable Medicine Bag, this mace has two augment slots that accept only two Defensive Husks
Stoic Totemic Mace: Combine an Earthen Core with a Totemic Mace in the foldable Medicine Bag, this mace has two augment slots that accepts one Defensive Husk and one Utility Husk.
The various Cores needed to upgrade the Totemic Maces have been confirmed to drop:
Airy core = dream bretons in marid manor
Fiery Core = Ifrits in court of the ifrits
Earthen Core = Clay dwarf /clay golems in caverns of clay, Jade mobs
Spring core = Mobs in marble palace
Tier 3[]
Ancestral Furious Totemic Mace: Combine an Ancestral Flicker with a Furious Totemic Mace in the foldable Medicine Bag, this mace has three augment slots that accept only Offensive Husks
Ancestral Cunning Totemic Mace: Combine an Ancestral Flicker with a Cunning Totemic Mace in the foldable Medicine Bag, this mace has three augment slots that accepts two Offensive Husk and one Utility Husk.
Ancestral Graceful Totemic Mace: Combine an Ancestral Flicker with a Graceful Totemic Mace in the foldable Medicine Bag, this mace has three augment slots that accept only three Defensive Husks
Ancestral Stoic Totemic Mace: Combine an Ancestral Flicker with a Stoic Totemic Mace in the foldable Medicine Bag, this mace has three augment slots that accepts one Defensive Husk, one Utility Husk, and one Offensive Husk.
Ancestral Flickers can drop off most higher-level group mobs and raid content, all can drop off most mobs in Lost Colony.
Tier 4[]
The tier 4 mace is the quested weapon from Lost Colony. It has 4 augment slots that can hold any type of husk.
Husks are shaman specific augments that can be placed in totemic maces. The augments have diverse types of procs. Husks come in 3 categories. There are Offensive, Defensive and Utility Husks. All Husks also have their own stats like spell damage, healing..ect
Offensive Husks[]
Leeching Husk: Combine a Leech Husk and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Leech Husk can be found off the Chitinous Burrowers in Dyanis. This is a base 50 lifetap proc.
Burning Husk: Combine a Fiery Essence and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Fiery Essence can be found off the Aqueous Pheonix in Rushforth. This is a base 50 fire damage proc.
Freezing Husk: Combine an Icy Crystal and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Icy Crystal can be found off the Rimelings in Eyerime. This is a base 50 cold damage proc.
Lupine Husk: Combine a Canine Tooth and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Canine Tooth can be found off the Grinning Hyena in Quicksilver Manor. This is a base 50 melee damage proc.
Defensive Husks[]
Mending Husk: Combine a Copal Resin and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Copal Resin can be bought off Merchant Winpro Bangaz in Xuolia. This is a base 50 group heal proc.
Soothing Husk: Combine a Purple Passion Pipe Grass and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Purple Passion Pipe Grass can be crafted by combining Fluffy Pipe Grass and Purple Flowe. Trivial crafting skill of 25. This is a base 30 Mana and Endurance group heal proc.
Runic Husk: Combine a Block of Red Clay and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Blocks of Red Clay can be found off multiple mobs in Clay Caverns. This is a base 50 group rune proc.
Utility Husks[]
Celestial Husk: Combine an Otherworldly Essence and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Otherworldly Essence can be found off Many mobs, the ghast in Dyanis, the Wykkitok’s in Haunted Fields or many of the mobs in Alchemical Chambers. This is a base 10% crit chance increase for all damage types and effects the group proc.
Cerebral Husk: Combine a Chewin Leaf and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Chewin Leaf can be found off the werewolf in Malefix the mines of mana. This is a base 50 mana drain proc.
Hobbling Husk: Combine an Vibrant Leaf and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Vibrant Leaf can be found off the Ivy Cultist in Vinespur. This is a snare proc.
Hydraxic Husk: Combine a Spore Buds and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Spore Buds can be found off the Cactus mobs in various zones like Kupakai and the Humid Plains. This is a group proc that grants 10% twincast, and 25% double attack chance.
Disruptive Husk: Combine a Enchanted Ichor and Empty Husk in the Foldable Medicine Bag. Enchanted Ichor can be found among the various mobs in Rioshu. This is a cripple type proc. It reduces the mobs DEX, STR, AGI by 100 and AC by 39