EQSanctuary Wiki

Quicksilver Mansion Guide[]

Quicksilver Mansion (QSM) is a big zone full of puzzles, teleports, traps, and a crazy lizard named Qyliz.

Access Quest[]

In order to gain access to QSM you need to do a quest to obtain the Sugared Lavender Gumdrop. This quest is in Dyanis, Fields of Gold

You can either bring a glass bottle to use, or get one from Qyliz by following the quest text. Then use that glass bottle at the blue flames at the top of the statue in the town of Angels in the south of the zone. Once there you will need to trade an empty bottle to a cold blue flame to get the quest item. You then hand this item in to Qyliz and you will have the Sugared Lavender Gumdrop, that when clicked will teleport you to QSM.

Qyliz is located just off the road that runs west/east that is just north of the Angel city. There are signs throughout the zone that you can follow to find him. For the quest impaired, he is located at (loc needed).

Quicksilver Class Quest:[]

There is a series of quests in this zone to upgrade an item for each subclass.

The base item drops off random mobs in the zone, and most nameds also randomly drop 1 or 2 of a random subclass.

For example:


This is the dropped quest item for the Sage. Note it does not have a quest tag, but that is the item.

Upgrading the Class Item:[]

The quest NPC is a big cube named Sacred Crucible that you can get to by clicking on a torch in the Northeast portion of the zone.


Thanks Kwuik

The 3 items for the quest differ depending on your subclasses grouping.

Healers - Quicksilver Soul Fragment + Ephemeral Laughter (drops off live studio audience, and maybe others) + the dropped subclass item from trash/bosses.

Casters - Quicksilver Soul Fragment + Marionette Control Rod (off stage hands in theatre area) + the dropped subclass item from trash/bosses.

Melee/Ranged DPS - Quicksilver Heart Fragment + Quicksilver Core (clots and plasmoids near Quicksilver Rot/Heart) + the dropped subclass item from trash/bosses.

Tank - Quicksilver Heart Fragment + Quicksilver Plating (drops off guardgoyles near chess event) + the dropped subclass item from trash/bosses.

1st Upgrade of Class Item:

Hedgecrafter - Symbiotic Vinebrand

Imp - Band of Shadow

Dervish - Gasp of the Wind

2nd Upgrade of Class Item:[]

For this you just need to turn in (to Sacred Crucible) an Angellic Innocence off of Qyliz Quicksilver behind Prince Riley's room + your upgraded subclass item from the previous quest.

Breeder - Baldric of the Wild

Sage - Astute Travelers

Hedgecrafter - Wrap of White Vines

Imp - Shadeband

Dervish - Breath of the Wind

Final Upgrade of Class Item:

For this, you just need to kill Void Qyliz, loot Dancing Blue Flame, and turn that in along with your 2nd Upgraded Class Item.

Knight - Law Immortal

Hedgecrafter - Ivy's Dream

Imp - Dark Deeds

Dervish - Howling of the Wind


The Amethyst Creation[]

Amethyst Tear Drop

Watery Amethyst

Translucent Amethyst Breastplate

Quicksilver Security System[]

Ring of Security

Quicksilver Doubleshot

Quicksilver Bulwark

Quicksilver Mender

Security Protocols

Giant Mechanized Hammer

Quicksilver Tenderizer

Quicksilver Enforcer

Quicksilver Showgirl[]

Quicksilver Mender

Showgirl's Head

Quicksilver Rot[]

Quicksilver Composite

Quicksilver Mender

Rotten Ring

Quicksilver Handwraps

Quicksilver Chakram

Quicksilver Promise

Quicksilver Control Bar

Quicksilver Hewer

Quicksilver Heart[]

Quicksilver Composite

Quicksilver Artery

Quicksilver Heart Fragment

Quicksilver Hewer

Quicksilver Scepter

Blood Soaked Greaves

Quicksilver Mask

Quicksilver Soul[]

Quicksilver Soul Fragment

Quicksilver Soul Shard

Soul's Respite

Electrified Scythe

Quicksilver Tenderizer

Quicksilver Bulwark

Quicksilver Scepter

Soul's Path

Adorable Doll

Quicksilver Skewer

Qyliz Quicksilver[]

Tattered Silk Gloves

Turquoise Toesocks

Angelic Innocence