To get to Lost Colony you can find Captain Holmstead on the docks in Southern New Mechatropolis. The keyword to get him to teleport you is "off"
Inside Lost Colony there are a number of Augs that can be obtained along with a quest to get each class a really good weapon.
These are crafted from dropped materials within Lost Colony.
Type 2 Augs[]
The recipe for the base materials is:
3 Mercurial Brain Fluid + Bioluminescent Algae = Blue Bottle
3 Eldritch Blood + Bioluminescent Algae = Red Bottle
3 Volatile Adrenaline + Bioluminescent Algae = Gray Bottle
2 Bottles + Hollowed Eldritch Stone = Tier 1 Aug of corresponding color
2 Tier 1 Augs = Tier 2 Aug
2 Tier 2 Augs = Tier 3 Aug
Tier 3 Augs[]
Tier 3 Blue - Eldritch Stone of Quiescence (updated 7/17/23)
Tier 3 Red - Eldritch Stone of Sanguinity
Tier 3 Gray - Eldritch Stone of Volatility
The Tier 3 Augs are non-lore so you can fill the rest of your slots with those. Only one type can fit into an item, can't have two of the same aug on one item, lore or not.
2 DIFFERENT Tier 3 Augs = Tier 4 Aug (3 possible combos)
Tier 4 Augs (updated 7/17/23)[]
Eldritch Stone of Ia = Tier 3 Red + Tier 3 Blue
Eldritch Stone of Kratok = Tier 3 Red + Tier 3 Gray
Eldritch Stone of Shogg = Tier 3 Blue + Tier 3 Gray
The Tier 4 Augs are lore so you can only slot 1 of them on you at any time.
Type 3 Augs[]
3 Abyssal Organs + 1 bottle of water = 1 Abyssal Tannin made in Foldable Medicine bag (Alchemy - 70 trivial)
2 Abyssal Tannin + 4 Abyssal Hide = Abyssal Padding (Tailoring - 60 trivial)
Abyssal Padding + 4 Abyssal Scales = Reinforced Abyssal Padding (Tailoring - 60 trivial).
Weapon Quest[]
The weapon quest is to obtain 4 Reports and turn them in to the Iksar Researcher at the Gal'Vae ship in the eastern portion of the zone.
Report - Ghost Ship: drops from any mobs near the ghost ship starting with barnacle bones
Report - Plague Ship: collect 10 rat heads and combine them in the container dropped by Pied Piper. Trade it to "plague vent" on other end of the ship
Report - Pirates: drops from named mobs on the pirate ship (5%) and their placeholders (marauders ~1%) north of the Gal'Vae ship
Report - Betrayal: drops (rarely) from Lighthouse named Lighthouse Keeper Tep, also drops from Deep One Clutchlord.
All of the books can drop from the named Beholder that spawns in the north portion of the zone. He hits hard.
Quest Rewards:
Breeder's Cull (Augs slotted)
Sage's Sagacity (Augs slotted)
Named Monsters[]
Tidal Horror[]
First Mate Orne[]
a saurian spectre
The Plagued Piper[]
Deep One Whelp / Mutant Colonist / Deep One Abomination[]
Deep One Clutchlord[]
Report - Betrayal (one of the books mentioned above for weapon quest)
Chirurgeon Burroughs[]
Barnacled Tome of Occult Writings
Machina Mate Alpha[]
Captain Wigbold[]
a murderous marauder