EQSanctuary Wiki

Chamber of Forbidden Rituals[]

Entry to this zone is in Daggerdepth Lake through an underwater tunnel to a tower with a rotting wood prism that you hail.

There is a quest in this zone to upgrade particular items that drop in this zone, these are marked with a (Q).

Cleansing Quest:

An item to cleanse (marked with "(Q)" here)

An ingot of magic-infused steel (commonly drops off faceless golems)

A red femur (rarely drops off "bloody bones").

A demonic runestone (drops off "seal-bound" mobs).

Quest Rewards:

Staff of the Blood Moon (from Staff of the Silver Moon)

Blue Hooded Cloak (from Hooded Blue Cloak)

Bloodbound Signet (from Signet of Dark Conventions)

Thalonar's Forgiveness (from Deimos's Parting Gift)

Mobs and Drops:[]

a bloody bones

Bloody Bone Dice

Red Skeletal Ribcage

a sentrystone alarm

Shiny Stone Face

a corrupted demonhunter

Tight Thigh-High Boots

A Well-Worn Trenchcoat

Demonhunter's Naginata (DDL Quest Item)

Janko the Cloaked

The Flute of Hamelin

Footwraps of the Sneaky Rat

Hooded Blue Cloak (Q)

Demonhunter Thalonar

Orb of Pureblood

Blood Ruby Ring

Deimos's Parting Gift (Q)

Grand Warlock Dardred

Signet of Dark Conventions (Q)

Eye of Madness

Staff of the Silver Moon (Q)

a book of secrets

Book of Secrets

an ossein dragon

Bonewing Cloak


Blood-soaked Sabatons (Q)

Bloodgorger's Hide (DDL Quest item)


The Necrodancer

Bone Bongos

Sweatbands of Undeath


Ancient Bo Staff of Rage

Bastion of Nem

Urgad's Might


Sanguine Ichor

Blood Dragon Scale (6x makes Bloodscale Cloak)

Blood Angler

Demonhunter Deimos

Cold-Iron Rifle

Lycanfur Bracer (Q)

Hand of the Betrayed

a seal-bound mindflayer

Demonic Aegis