Level 22 Albino Spider:
Zone: Hatching Lair
Kill spiders until a named spider spawns. Kill it and it should drop a drachnid egg capsule or something like that. Go back to Daggerdepth Lake and talk to the Breeder NPC near the Webweaver zone in. Trade them the drachnid egg and they will give you the spell.
Level 30 Iris:
Zone: Daggerdepth Lake
In Daggerdepth there is a griffon named Iris that spawns on a western island. Kill it till it drops the spell.
Level 32 Drake:
Zone: Marble Palace
In Marble Palace, kill the fountain sippers on the top level to spawn the Broodmother on level 3. Run down to the middle fountain area of the basement area and kill the Broodmother.